5 Easy Conversation Starters

Have you ever been doing first-person interpretation and suddenly found yourself unsure of how to approach the public. Admittedly approaching total strangers, whether in first or third person, is nerve wrecking and for those of us with social anxiety can feel like an insurmountable job. But it is also vital to effective interpretation. What can…

5 Things You Don’t Need To Bring To An Event

If there are things I always forget, there are just as many things that I bring with me to an event that I don’t really need. As I’ve gotten more streamlined & minimalistic in my reenacting, I’ve started to really consider these over brought items and worked to eliminate them from my packing. The result…

How to Tame the Chaos of Historic Research

How do you manage that endless pile of reading material? Here are a few hints & tips to managing the chaos of historical research in the reenacting & living history hobby.

4 Tips to Farb-Free Photographs

Be aware of the cameras. Or should that be, “beware of the cameras”? One of the reasons I strive for zero-farb is so that there is never an embarrassing moment caught on camera. Because lets face it, while having dedicated photographers at events is great for event & self promotion, it can be just as…

3 Cheap Authenticity Upgrades

I’ve already talked about a few completely free ways that you can upgrade your authenticity. Those are great and accessible to everyone, regardless of your financial status or how long you’ve been reenacting. If you haven’t already, go read & implement those freebies now! But what if you’ve got a little more time, and have…

5 Things I’ve Forgotten to Pack

We’ve all been there. You are 400 miles from home, you have everything & a period kitchen sink crammed into the back of your car & yet, something is missing. It could be something vital, or something frivolous, something you can replace at the event or borrow from someone else. If you are anything like…

Lets Talk: Civilian Authenticity

I know this is a pretty specialized post that might not seem applicable to most of my readers. Most of us don’t get to be involved closely in Safety & Authenticity at WW2 events. But as I was re-reading this questionnaire, which I wrote back in 2017 for the Rockford WW2 Days event, something occurred…

5 Free Authenticity Upgrades

Not everything in reenacting has to cost a fortune! So in the effort to help penny pinching reenactors out there, I’ve complied 5 completely & totally free ways that you can improve your authenticity. Bring less stuff. Ok, lets face it, Reenactors love to over pack. Maybe it’s the constantly changing weather & being outside…

The Secret to Reenacting with Children

This is a topic that is near & dear to my heart. Maybe more so than first person interpretation & you know how much I talk about *that*! As a mother, and a reenactor, incorporating my kid into my beloved hobby has been a constant issue, something I ponder on long drives and late at…

Lets Talk: Post Event Depression, or something more?

I think every reenactor is familiar with the feeling of Post Event Depression. It’s that let down & malaise that happens after all the excitement and enjoyment of a successful reenacting weekend. For some it begins as early as Sunday morning when the realization that we will be returning to our “real lives” soon becomes…